Singing Through Fear Into Freedom (Free Workshop)

Singing Through Fear Into Freedom (Free Workshop)

In culmination of our three week Free Your Voice Meditation Challenge, I invite you to attend this free workshop!
It will be helpful if you have listened to the Free Your Voice Meditation Series in advance.

Now, about the workshop…

Do you sing boldly at home yet clam up when you’re around others?

Does your throat get tight and your breath get shallow when you know you’ll be heard?

Do you struggle to share your voice freely?

Do you long for change?

If you are like so many, being truly heard is a scary proposition. From not speaking up at a family dinner to never stepping fully onto the performance stage, fear can be frustrating and even debilitating. Whether your fear has a specific story of origin, or has crept up on you over time, the path to freedom might not be as far away as it feels. In fact, the path may be as simple as using your voice. 

In this virtual workshop, Davin will create a safe and playful space for you to do just that. Regardless of your experience, he will expertly guide you to... 

·  Explore the story of your fear

·  Identify its somatic manifestation

·  Break through energetic blocks

·  Learn meditation practices to calm the mind and body

·  Discover the thrill and power of sharing you voice with others

This will be a transformative first step in your journey toward fearless singing and self-expression.

Are you ready to set your voice free?

Are you ready to finally be heard?

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A New Song, A New Voice: Explorations in Improvisational Singing

A New Song, A New Voice: Explorations in Improvisational Singing

Do you often feel unsure of what to sing?

Do you find yourself making things up?

Are you interested in writing songs, but don’t know where to begin?

Do you want to sing your way into more freedom?

Few art forms carry more history or meaning than improvisational singing. A sure fire path to self-expression and deeper connection, singing in spontaneous song can feel like a direct line to the music of the universe. But, what does it take to make it sound good? And why is improvising so damn scary? 

Drawing on traditions championed by artists like Bobby McFerrin and Rhiannon, in this virtual workshop you will be quickly led into a free and authentic singing experience that emphasizes the beauty and power of your voice as it connects you to the music within. This isn’t about making it up, but rather, learning to listen and share that which your voice already knows.

Specifically, you will... 

•               Discover your personal language

•               Learn exercises and forms to free up your voice and personal expression

•               Explore spontaneous composition

•               Liberate the song within

Absolutely no experience is necessary and anyone with a desire to sing and a song in their heart is welcome. You are guaranteed to walk away with a smile on your face and a new sense of possibility around singing and song.

$50 or free with first purchase of coaching session or package

Limit 10 participants

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 Catching Your Breath

Catching Your Breath

Do you feel anxious about your breath?

Do you struggle to breathe deeply?

When you sing, do you run out of air?

Do you feel confused about how to “breathe right?”

For many, a deep breath can feel elusive. In day to day life, you may notice yourself breathing shallowly, or altogether holding your breath. When you sing, you might struggle to get enough air, or run out completely. This causes feelings of frustration, anxiety and fear. While one teacher told you to tighten your belly inward, another YouTube video said to push it out... Shouldn’t breathing just be natural?

Well, the good news is... it is!

It’s just that finding what is most natural sometimes means letting go of that which keeps getting in the way. With that in mind, in this virtual workshop you will... 

·   Learn the physiology of your breath

·   Explore the psychology behind breathing deeply and breathing well

·   Use mindful breathing practices to calm your mind and the body

·   Coordinate your body for your best breath

·   Apply that breath to free your voice

And you’ll be able to do this all in the company of others, who just like you are working toward finding more freedom with their breath and voice. You will walk away from our time together with a deeper awareness of your breath, body and voice.

$50 or free with first purchase of coaching session or package

Limit 10 participants

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Compassionate Listening: Learning to Love the Sound of Your Voice

Compassionate Listening: Learning to Love the Sound of Your Voice

Are you generally displeased with the sound of your voice?

Do you love to sing, but hate to listen to yourself?

Have you ever heard your recorded voice and been unpleasantly surprised?

Do you sing with others, but never alone?

Like a fingerprint, the sound of your voice is unique to who you are. It’s natural tone, texture and timbre tell your perfect story, but for many, this is quite honestly, disappointing. You may find the quality of your sound incongruous with what you think it should be. Or, you may feel discouraged or hopeless about the possibility of change.

“Will I ever sound... good?”

While this experience is quite natural, for everyone from shower singers, to professional vocalists, the path to change may lie in your ability to listen with compassion. Research shows that compassion, or the ability to recognize suffering in ourselves and others, is something we can grow and develop. In this virtual workshop, you will explore exactly what that means as it relates to your voice.

Working closely with Davin, you will...

·  Learn objective tools for listening to and evaluating the voice

·  Discover what qualities of your voice are possible to change

·  Use meditative practices for self-compassion

·  Engage somatic exercises to broaden the experience of your unique sound

·  Listen to others and practice compassionate feedback

In learning to love our voice, we learn to love ourselves. Could there be anything more worthwhile?

$50 or free with first purchase of coaching session or package

Limit 10 participants

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Becoming Sound Amidst The Noise: Meditation and Singing

Becoming Sound Amidst The Noise: Meditation and Singing

Do you fall victim to your thoughts?

Do you struggle with fear, anxiety and self-loathing?

Do you long for more equanimity in your voice and in your life?

Do you love to sing?

Are you interested in meditation?

By definition, meditation is the act of focusing your attention to expand awareness. Traditionally, this is accomplished by concentrating your mind on an object, like your breath, a mantra, or even walking. In developing a regular practice you begin to travel a path toward deeper calm, clarity and insight. Additionally, you change how you relate the noise of your thoughts, feelings and emotions, which at times can be loud and overwhelming.

In this virtual workshop, you will explore all of this, beginning with your breath and then singing into your voice as the object of focus. Breath manifest is sound, and this sound will be your own personal guide toward a more harmonious life. 

Specifically, you will learn to... 

•           Explore mindful breathing practices

•           Cultivate open awareness

•           Use your voice and improvisational singing in meditation

•           Listen compassionately

•           Develop your own personal singing meditation practice

Whether you already have a daily practice, are looking to establish one, or are completely new to meditation, you will be provided a gentle space to inquire, discover and explore the peace to be found in sound.

$50 or free with first purchase of coaching session or package

Limit 10 participants

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Singing Through Fear Into Freedom

Singing Through Fear Into Freedom

Do you sing boldly at home yet clam up when you’re around others?

Does your throat get tight and your breath get shallow when you know you’ll be heard?

Do you struggle to share your voice freely?

Do you long for change?

If you are like so many, being truly heard is a scary proposition. From not speaking up at a family dinner to never stepping fully onto the performance stage, fear can be frustrating and even debilitating. Whether your fear has a specific story of origin, or has crept up on you over time, the path to freedom might not be as far away as it feels. In fact, the path may be as simple as using your voice. 

In this virtual workshop, Davin will create a safe and playful space for you to do just that. Regardless of your experience, he will expertly guide you to... 

·  Explore the story of your fear

·  Identify its somatic manifestation

·  Break through energetic blocks

·  Learn meditation practices to calm the mind and body

·  Discover the thrill and power of sharing you voice with others

This will be a transformative first step in your journey toward fearless singing and self-expression.

Are you ready to set your voice free?

Are you ready to finally be heard?

$50 or free with first purchase of coaching session or package
Limit 10 participants

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Healing Vocal Wounds

Healing Vocal Wounds

Have you ever been told to be quiet or to stop singing?

Have you been criticized for the sound of your voice?

Have you experienced trauma, loss or injury that has impacted your unique sound?

Whether it be the flippant comment from a loved one telling you to “shut up!” or a childhood choir director telling you it would be better if you “mouthed the words”, vocal wounds can have a profound impact on your ability to express yourself freely. Even more, seemingly disparate experiences of failed relationships, loss of a loved one, or unrealized goals can reemerge by “shutting down” the voice completely. Sometimes this means physical discomfort in making sound, debilitating fear, or the frustration of never feeling truly heard.

So, what does it take to break free of the past and move into a new sound?

What does it take to heal vocal wounds? 

In this virtual workshop, Davin will expertly and joyfully guide you – no matter your story or experience – down the healing path of singing and self-expression. During this workshop, you will...

·  Write and share the story of your voice

·  Learn about the fundamental healing properties of singing and sound

·  Free physical and energetic blocks that inhibit your voice

·  Playfully move beyond frustration and fear

·  Sing your way into healing, transformation and change

You’ll also be able to connect with other singers who are bravely pursuing the noble journey of their voice.

Isn’t now the time to move past fear and shame? Isn’t now the time to be heard?

$50 or free with first purchase of coaching session or package

Limit 10 participants

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Finding Balance: Coordinating Vocal Registers

Finding Balance: Coordinating Vocal Registers

Do you have a break in your voice?

Do you wish you could sing higher and/or lower?

Does your voice get “stuck?”

Do you have a sense that you should have access to more?

You are not alone!

Every singer, regardless of ability or experience struggles with these same issues. This is about vocal function, or how your body works to make your unique sound. Register refers specifically to how your vocal folds (cords) close when you speak or sing. This can become imbalanced, causing a lack of clarity, cracks and breaks, or getting stuck all together, resulting in sounds that feel inauthentic or downright embarrassing.

But, there is good news! This is something you can change. It’s all about coordination, and with some friendly guidance and practice you, too can sing with more clarity, freedom and ease. 

In this virtual workshop, Davin will expertly guide you – regardless of your experience or skill – down the healing path of functional freedom. You will learn...

·  The basic functional science of your voice

·  How registration works

·  How to listen to yourself and others objectively

·  How to make clear and authentic sounds

·  How to expand your range

And, you will do all of this in the company of others who are on the same journey to find their freest, more authentic sound. You will leave having discovered a new, illuminated path.

$50 or free with coaching package
Limit 10 participants

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