Welcome back to Five Essentials for Transforming Your Voice. 👋

What did you think about the Essential No. 1?

Maybe that information was entirely new to you? Maybe you’ve heard it before? Regardless, I hope you’ll spend some time with it, really using it as a framework for investigating your voice. If you do, you’ll find out so much about what your voice is asking for when it comes to change!

Ok, but today is a new day and you’re back for more… so here it is. While every car 🚗 requires an engine that really runs, most engines run with gas! (This analogy might breakdown in a few years. 😂) So, let’s talk about what kind of gas you’re putting in your car and how to make sure it is efficient!

Essential No. 2

Breath! Who knew? You did.

Finding a good breath in singing is like coming home.

But, chances are you’ve felt confused about your breath. We all have. It’s confusing! And a lot of the information online only makes it more so, so here are a few highlights from this video to keep you on track.

  • Your breath is like gas in your car. The engine can’t run without it, but the gas can’t make the car run if the engine isn’t working right.

  • Breath and register are reciprocal. They need each other and the way in which you experience the breath in your body has to do with vocal fold closure, or REGISTER! (register, register…)

  • Breathing well for singing is as simple starts with expanding your torso.

  • Then, you have to relax your belly when you breath in.

  • From there? Stay expanded. DON’T COLLAPSE!

  • It’s all easy, except it’s kinda hard if you’ve developed some habits that don’t necessarily honor this natural function of your body.

  • Oh, and if you are a trauma survivor or suffer from anxiety etc. breathing may be especially tricky. It is important that you work with a professional to get feedback to find a freer, easier breath in your body because not only with this help your voice, but it may open up all of your life.

Now look, there’s a lot more to this, but these are the essentials.
The fastest way in.
But, if you want to go further, I have something that might be helpful for you…

This nine module program is a comprehensive look at all things breathing and breath and while it is normally priced at $147, I want to offer it to you for $47! 🤯

Now that you’ve watched Essential No. 2, you have the framework to really come back to your breath and INSPIRE will help you do just that. The course is a comprehensive look at breathing and breath for singing and the voice. It includes recorded exercises and some exciting philosophical and spiritual conversations around the implications of your breath.

Like the Voice Wayfinder Session, INSPIRE is only available to you here at this price, so don’t miss this opportunity!

And if you’re still trying to wrap your head around Essential No. 1, go back and watch it again. This stuff can take years to really sink in. 🙂

Ok, don’t forget to check your email tomorrow, because we are going to talk about… in the words of Megan Thee Stallion “Body, ody, ody.” 🍑 😂 (jk)