“BEST VOCAL WARM UPS” and other phrases not worth googling

Be honest. You’ve googled this exact phrase. Or maybe something like it?

“How should I warm up my voice?”
“Best Vocal Exercises”
“Warm ups for high notes”
“Vocal warm ups that actually work”

And when you did, inevitably you unearthed thousands of YouTube videos that claimed to contain “The Only Vocal Warm Up You’ll Ever Need!” Or “The Top 5 Voice Warm Ups EVER!” or even (this is a real title) “A Vocal Warm Up That Works Like Magic!”

Sound about right?

And then if you actually used any of those videos there is a good chance that they didn’t exactly provide for you what you had hoped. In fact, some of them may have left you feeling worse, rather than better.

Why? Well, it’s not necessarily because the vocal warm ups and exercises were bad, or even that the person offering them didn’t exactly know what they were talking about. (Although, it’s the internet! There is a chance of that.)

It’s because they weren’t created for YOU!

See, the thing about the voice is that while we all share similar anatomy, we also have individual instruments with unique conditioning. So, while in theory, yours functions just like mine, how you use it is probably veeeeery different. 

This is one of the most wonderful and mysterious aspects to the voice and why a one-size-fits-all approach is always problematic.

This is also why googling “how to become a better singer” can lead you down a real rabbit hole of frustration.

I’ve worked with so many singers over the years who have gleaned good information from the internet and completely misunderstood how to apply it to their voice. They often find themselves feeling like “I’m doing what I’m supposed to do! Why isn’t this working?”

So, what’s the best alternative?

One-to-one coaching.

But, I know that might not be in the cards for you currently, so I am on a mission to give you another option that at best, can help you find more vocal freedom and at absolute worst, will do no harm… which is more than I can say for most google searches. :D

That option is my Custom Vocal Warm Ups.

How it works is pretty simple: you purchase your Custom Vocal Warm Ups at the Davin Youngs Voice Store and then we set up a one-to-one 30-minute session, via Zoom. When we meet, I will take you through some scales and exercises to get to know the basic functionality of your voice. 

Within one week I’ll create a 30 minute video and audio track of custom vocal warm ups that will move you toward more consistency, freedom and ease in your voice.

It’s that simple!

And these warm ups… they won’t be magic. But, they will be for YOU!
And that my friend, can be a real game changer with your voice.


Why sounding good when you sing can sound so bad.


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